Sunday 7 October 2012

Training of PHP

Arninfotech offer training in both theoretical and practical form. The theory classes deal with the theoretical portion of PHP, JavaScript and Ajax. Some practical instances are also taught during the theory classes. During the practical classes, we offer you database, screen shot, codes and also avail you the downloaded version of free codes. Our main objective is to provide you the best knowledge about these three scripting languages, so that you can achieve a bright career in the field of PHP, JavaScript and Ajax . Basic concepts are : 

1. Introducation                                                                 2. HTML
  a)PHP Fundamentals                                                     a)How To Design Page
  b)PHP.ini Configuration File                                         b)Form Creation in HTML
  c)Basic Syntax                                                                c)Tables in HTML Etc.
  d)Mixing PHP and HTML  
  e)About Comments
3. Basics of Php                                                                4.Loops
  a)Basics of Php                                                              a)For Loop
  b)Quick Start for Programmers                                    b)While Loop
  c)PHP Language Overview                                          c)Foreach Loop
  d)Variables, Datatypes, Operators                               d)Loop Control (break 
  e)Escaping Special Characters                                                  and continue)
  f)Conditional Statement                                             e)Nested Loops
  h)If Statement
  i)Switch Statement

5. Array                                                                        6. Functions
  a)Arguments and Return Values                               a)Function Definition
  b)Indexed Versus Associative Arrays                         b)Function Scope
  c)Identifying Elements of an Array
  d)Storing Data in Arrays
  e)Multidimensional Arrays
  f)Extracting Multiple Values
  g)Converting Between Arrays and Variables
  h)Traversing Arrays
  j)Acting on Entire Arrays
  k)Using Arrays

7. Form with Php                                                     8. Regular Expression
  a)Form Processing                                                 a)Validating User Input 
  b)Review of HTML Forms                                          with Regular Expressions
    (check boxes, text                                                b)Intro to Regular
    fields, radio buttons)                                               Expression Metacharacters
  c)Retrieving Form Data                                        c)Verifying Email Addresses, 
  d)The GET and POST method                                 ZIP code, Phone Numbers, 
  e)Submitting to Itself                                              Credit Cards
                                                                            d)PCRE Functions

9. String                                                              10. CMS
  a)Quoting String Constants                               a)Joomla Introduction
  b)Printing Strings                                             b)Drupal Introduction
  c)Table of Contents                                           c)Wordpress Introduction
  d)Accessing Individual Characters
  e)Cleaning Strings
  f)Encoding and Escaping
  g)Comparing Strings
  h)Manipulating and Searching Strings
  i)Regular Expressions
  j)POSIX-Style Regular Expressions
  k)Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions

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